Sunday 15 December 2013

Twenty things we should say more often………by Room 17

  • I think telling others ‘they can do it’ to motivate them. Tom
  • I think just being polite and treating everyone fairly will make this world a better place. Riley
  • I think saying thank you is  important because it shows that we appreciate what other people do for us.  Nancy
  • I think saying hello more often to different people is important because it means that you value everyone. Josephine
  • Telling your family that you love them more often.-Jasmine
  • I think telling people that they are very talented is an important thing to say because it will make people feel more confident in doing what they want to achieve -Emma
  • I think saying please and thank you will help other people notice what they have done right. Ettiene
  • I think saying thank you is important because it will make people happy to know that you enjoy what they are doing- Serena
  • II think using your manners is very polite and important to remember. -Grace
  • I think we should say have a good day more often because it is kind and it shows you care-Laura 
  • I think saying  please and thank you is more important because it is using your manners.Ryan
  • I think people should tell their friends that they love and care about them more often- hannah
  • I think that saying hello good morning and good afternoon is important because its nice to  let people know that they are not a ghost. Luke
  • I think asking someone how their day was is very important because it makes them feel like you care.Claudia
  • I think saying i love you to your family is important because, saying I love you to someone is very polite and shows the person that you really care about them and love them. ~ Jazmyn
  • I think that we need to say something nice if you can’t think of something nice to say your not thinking hard enough.Connor   
  • I think we should say hi more often because people always walk past other people without saying hi.Lindsay
  • I think you should use your manners and be kind to everyone by Tarik.
  • I think we should say hi to everyone we go past to brighten up their day a little bit- Della
  • I think we should use are manners and say hello more often. Kalani
  • I think we need to say please and thank you more often.-Jessica
  • I think we should all say good morning/good afternoon every time we pass someone.-Jack
  • I think we need to compliment people more often to make them feel good-Tommie
  • I think that saying please and thankyou is important and it shows your manners-Danielle
  • I think we need  to say to  other people never give up, it will show them that you care-Elisha    
  • I think we need to give people more complements to boost their self esteem-Reece
  • I think that we should say to people hi how are doing Dylan
  • I think that we should say hi to people we know not just walk past them and say please and thank you when someone gives you something Madi
  • I think you should always say things to people like goodnight and see you later because you might not see them the next day- Jaden
  • I think that you always need to be polite because you never know, they might just go and tell everybody - Thomas C
  • I think people should always use their manners because it shows that you respect them.Finn

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 17!!!
    Room 2 defiantly agree with your suggestions! Our school would be an even better place to learn and grow!!
