Sunday 10 September 2017

Character Descriptions

We are currently writing descriptions about someone we know quite well and then publishing them on our individual blogs.
Some of our class don't have a blog,  so here are their attempts. Well done Anihera and Kingston:)

Character Descriptions
My Niece

My niece has big brown eyes and short black hair.
She's only one and she's funny! Her name is Rangimarie and she loves to go outside.
I have a cat, dog and chickens. Rangimarie loves to feed the chickens but sometimes she eats it.
She can be annoying because she screams and won't stop until she gets what she wants.
But I’m really lucky to have a niece because when I’m bored she keeps me company and she shares her food with me when I'm hungry.

By Anihera

My cousin is the best cousin ever. Lincoln is only 1 year old. He has blue eyes and blond straight hair and chubby cheeky cheeks. He likes wearing blue shoes and a onesie kind of thing. Lincoln runs like a penguin because he waddles like one. He's real cheeky, funny and cute. I love him.

By Kingston

Sunday 23 July 2017

Welcome back! - Term 3 Already...WOW

We are going to have a go at using a Google Form to record your reading for the week. I'm still having a play with the format so watch this space!

Thursday 22 June 2017

Interschool Cross Country

So  impressed with our senior cross country team today. Not only did they battle a challenging course, but also the very warm conditions! Determination, resilience and competitiveness were on show in every race. A special congratulations to Wiari, Ollie, Miller, Brooklyn, Stase, Jade, Jessica and Paige - Room 11 is very proud of you:)

Year 6 Girls

Ollie 2nd Yr 7 Boys

Ollie finishing

Wiari finishing

Thursday 11 May 2017

Anzac Biscuits--YUM!

Image result
  1. 1 cup rolled oats.
  2. 1 cup coconut.
  3. 1 cup flour.
  4. 1 cup sugar.
  5. 125 g butter.
  6. 2 Tbsp golden syrup.
  7. 1 tsp baking soda.
  8. 2 Tbsp boiling water.

Term 2 Already!

Planting Poppy seeds with Room 6 - Our Buddy Class
Today we worked with our buddy class to sow poppy seeds into a pot. 
We placed a soil pellet into a small container and covered it in water. When the soil had soaked up all of the water we sprinkled a few seeds into the top and then covered the seeds, 
We are hoping that some of the seeds will germinate so we can transplant these into a memory garden of poppies.
This year on October 12 we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Passchendaele. On this day in 270 minutes 846 New Zealanders were killed and over 2000 were wounded.